Thursday, September 30, 2010

All-Natural Cure for Excessive Underarm Sweat (Hyperhidrosis) Discovered

If you are one of the estimated 8 million Americans currently suffering from hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, you may be very interested to know that an all-natural cure for excessive underarm sweat has been discovered.
It’s true – and the cure’s creator, Mike Ramsey, himself a hyperhidrosis sufferer, has just published an ebook detailing his simple three-step, all-natural plan that is designed to stop excessive underarm sweating in two weeks or less. So far the treatment plan has proven to be effective for 96% of those who have tried it, Ramsey added.
In "Stop Sweating and Start Living" Ramsey fully describes his practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person’s excessive underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.
Ramsey's process is made up of three simple steps, takes less than 1 minute a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products.
Ramsey adds that the process is easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and guarantees that it will keep a person’s underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life.
Ramsey says he came up with the treatment approach after attending a seminar on natural health.
"The seminar actually didn’t have anything to do with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis," Ramsey said. "But what the speaker said got me to thinking and soon led to my discovery."
Like many others with hyperhidrosis, Ramsey first began suffering from it in high school and over the years has tried just about every treatment he could think of to get rid of it or at least keep it under control: from using dozens of different antiperspirants to applying antiperspirants several times a day to wearing undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached his outer shirt to changing clothes several times a day to holding his arms up in the car so that they were aligned with the air conditioner vents to using a device that pushes electrical currents through the skin and much, much more.
"Nothing that I tried worked and I was about to give up hope when my wife and I attended that fateful seminar," Ramsey said. "After years of pain and struggle, using the method I created I was able to cure my excessive sweat problem naturally in just two weeks, and was finally able to start living worry-free again."
"This technique has proven to be highly practical, safe and effective and it’s worked quickly for me and for hundreds of other people who have read my ebook and tried it."
To learn more about "Stop Sweating and Start Living" and how you can get rid of excessive underarm sweat the safe and natural way, visit, where the ebook is also available for purchase.

All The Best

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Man Discovers Remedy for Excessive Sweating Problem That Plagues Nearly 8 Million Americans Today

Mike Ramsey, who began suffering from excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, in high school, has published an ebook detailing a simple three-step plan that when followed allows anyone to cure their excessive sweating problem in two weeks or less.
"It’s true," said Ramsey, author of "Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Underarm Sweat Problem." "At last, there's an effective way for anyone to cure their underarm sweat problem - in just two weeks - without prescription drugs or risky surgery."
Ramsey’s method is a three-step, all-natural technique that he developed after attending a seminar on natural health.
"The technique is highly practical, safe and effective, it takes just a minute a day to perform and can be easily worked into anyone’s daily routine," said Ramsey.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Cure for Excessive Sweating Could Boost Your Work Productivity

New Cure for Excessive Sweating Could Boost Your Work Productivity

A new study has confirmed what has already long been considered truth by many - that suffering from excessive sweating can negatively impact a person’s work performance.
According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, a recent study presented at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting in San Francisco indicates that employees suffering from hyperhidrosis "were limited in performing physically demanding tasks 25% of the time, in mental and interpersonal tasks 20% of the time, in time management 17% of the time, and in work output 11% of the time."

The natural way to stop sweating

Now you can stop sweating in a natural way. Excessive sweating is one of the worst elements an individual affected, the self esteem and make him uncomfortable during the socializing. Want to stop before you sweat, it's very important to understand how sweat in our body is produced if you want to stop excessive sweating. How sweating is a natural process, can lead to complications not to stop it. So can only find, to stop the reasons that causes too much sweat, find a solution to the problem and sweat.
There are several methods by which you can, try to control excessive sweating and stop sweating. Some of you are acupuncture, hypnosis and Botox. If you're overweight, also need to reduce your weight to better results. Obesity is one of the main causes of sweating and body odor. Food plays an important role to stop sweating. Only if you eat the right kind of food, the nervous system of the body would smoothly function. And of the other hand, an unbalanced diet can lead to stress and strain on the nervous system, which in turn would lead sweat too much.
Stop you can sweat reduce your stress with hypnosis, and this will prove to be beneficial the excessive sweating in the control. Acupuncture is a best way to stop sweating. But this treatment to sweat is not a best practice to stop, and hence it problems a little help you control of your sweating. Botox disabled produces the sweat glands, and so may it for a shorter period to take effect. However, must take another shot of BOTOX to stop after a period of six months if you to keep your sweating problem under control would helps deodorants and other fragrances keeping sweating, you removed body odor and with lots of matching cotton clothing help absorb sweat. However, a healthy and stress-free life style can wonders in getting rid of the sweat problem and sweat do to stop.
Are you problems with excessive sweating?Check this out for natural ways to stop
Good Luck